Monday, August 15, 2011

What is wrong with my friend?

my friend is very pretty, is 24. she graduated from college over 2 years ago and hasnt had a job since. she got bored living in illinois so she moved out to los angeles for a year and basically partied the whole time with people she met online. she never got a job or did anything productive. she went through all of her savings and a lot of her parents money in the process. anyways while she was out there she invited everyone she knew out there to visit her and partied with them. her main goal is to be the center of attention and have as much of it from as many people as possible. every girl she has ever dated she has mocked because they wanted something serious from her and she made fun of them for it behind their backs. well now she is back home and broke and living in her mom and dads basement with no job but everytime we go out she talks about how great a time california was like shes living in the past and how everyone wants her.

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