Saturday, August 13, 2011

Should it be illegal to smoke in a vehicle with children present?

I believe that it should absolutely be illegal. If it's illegal (in my state, of MA) to smoke in a restaurant for the health and comfort of other patrons then why in gods name would it be MORE acceptable to smoke in a car with small children? I also grew up in a home with two smoking parents. Though they tried to be more conscious of not smoking around me, it happened of course. I used to throw away my moms cigarettes when I was as young as 6 or 7 years old. I hated it! I would fake cough as loud as I could and simply beg them not to smoke because of how it aggravated me. Since moving out of their house several years ago, whenever I go back, the smell of the smoke is overwhelming and I can only imagine what damage they had inadvertently done to my lungs. In one way, they only made me a healthier because to this day I wouldn't dare put a cigarette to my mouth, however I don't think any child should be subject to such abuse. I know it's a habit, and parents don't intend to harm their children but that's exactly what they're doing.

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